Manchester Bombing: Father of Three Writes an Open Letter to Ariana Grande

A fan of Ariana Grande has offered her some tough love as she copes in the aftermath of the devastating Manchester Arena bombing.

Patrick Millsaps, who identified as “Morgan, Alison and Kendall’s Daddy” in his letter, shared his unsolicited advice with Grande on Twitter Tuesday night. He began by noting that his three daughters are fans of her music, which influenced his appreciation for it as well.

“You have been a part of our family for years,” Millsaps wrote. “On occasion, your songs may have stayed on the radio AFTER I have dropped the girls off at school.”

He said that he decided to share three fatherly suggestions with Grande after reading her Twitter message to her fans following the attack after her concert.  The first point touched on how she shouldn’t feel personally responsible for the act of terror.

“You don’t have a dadgum thing to apologize for, wrote Millsaps. “You are no more responsible for the actions of an insane coward who committed an evil act in your proximity than you would be for a devastating natural disaster or acts of morons near your hotel.”

Second, he pointed out that she shouldn’t take the advice of her managers and industry “experts’ who are trying to strategize what her next move should be. “These ‘experts’ don’t have a freaking clue what you are processing right now,” he continued. “Spend time with your God, your family, and your friends who will give you space and support when you need it. Hell, go lick as many freaking donuts as you want. Girl, you deserve it!”

Finally, Millsaps urged her to use her gift of singing to help heal the world when she’s ready to get back to performing. “Music is the international language of peace. Every time you open your mouth and share that incredible God-given gift to the world, you make this crappy world a little less crappy.”

Earlier today, Grande returned to social media to announce that she will be putting on a benefit concert to support the victims of the attack on Manchester Arena and their families. “We will not quit or operate in fear,” Grande wrote.”We will not let this divide us. We won’t let hate win.”

Read Millsaps’ full letter to Grande, below.

Manchester Bombing: Father of Three Writes an Open Letter to Ariana Grande Manchester Bombing: Father of Three Writes an Open Letter to Ariana Grande Reviewed by Debo Olowu on May 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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