Female TV host fired after viewers reportedly complained her Dress was Inappropriate for Ramadan

Female TV host fired after viewers reportedly complained her Dress was Inappropriate for Ramadan
Female TV host fired for inappropriate dressing in Kuwait

A female TV host in Kuwait with the name Amal Al-Awadhi has been fired after viewers allegedly complained  her  dress had been too inappropriate for Ramadan.

The 29 year old lady, was in the middle of hosting a live game show on a Kuwait Television channel, run by the Kuwaiti government, when she heard controllers being ordered to stop the broadcast with immediate effect. 

People had allegedly taken to Twitter to complain that Ms Al-Awadhi’s white dress was inappropriate for Ramadan.

Amal had worn a lace dress with flared sleeves, and she said she was taken by surprise as she had taken care to look appropriate for Ramadan.

Complaining on her Snapchat, she said "Because my show was airing during Ramadan, I was extra cautious about not going against any of our traditions, I took care of what I wore and how I spoke".

She says she has not been told why she was fired from her hosting job.

Female TV host fired after viewers reportedly complained her Dress was Inappropriate for Ramadan Female TV host fired after viewers reportedly complained her Dress was Inappropriate for Ramadan Reviewed by Unknown on June 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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