From church to heaven: 3 year old Indiana girl dies in hot car

A central Indiana child is dead after she was left inside a hot car.

A coroner says the parents of 3-year-old girl who died in a hot car in central Indiana thought she was asleep inside their home.

Dunnichay tells WTHR-TV that the family went to church, ate breakfast and bought groceries, and when they returned home the parents carried the groceries inside. They believed Hannah had gone inside with her two brothers and that the three siblings were sleeping.

The Herald Bulletin reports the boys awoke two hours later and discovered Hannah missing.
An autopsy found that the little girl died of "complications of acute hyperthermia," or being overheated

From church to heaven: 3 year old Indiana girl dies in hot car From church to heaven: 3 year old Indiana girl dies in hot car Reviewed by Unknown on June 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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