Ghanian actress Yvonne Nelson unfollows baby daddy

Yvonne Nelson unfollows baby daddy

Yvonne Nelson and her British photographer baby daddy, Jamie Roberts are having serious misundertanding. The issues became known to the public when both of them deletes photos of themselves and going further by unfollowing each other on Instagram. As we all know, once celebrity couples unfollow each other, next comes the break up news.

Until now, things were going pretty fine between the couple as they welcomed their baby Ryan in October 2017. The exact cause of this ‘split’ is not fully known, but going through Jamie Robert’s Instagram page, it is noticed that he uploaded a picture showing the two kids he had with another woman. This leads to speculations that he has gone back to his former woman.

Back in May, Actress Yvonne Nelson was labelled the mother of a bastard by controversial TV/radio presenter, Afia Schwarzenegger and Counselor Lutterodt. This however led to heavy backlash from Ghanaians who felt the word was too harsh to use on her baby, Ryan.

Despite the abusive remarks the both of them received from Ghanaians following their comments about Yvonne Nelson’s daughter, it still didn’t stop fellow actress, A.J Poundz real name Matilda Adjoa Densu, from making the same statement about the baby.

Ghanian actress Yvonne Nelson unfollows baby daddy Ghanian actress Yvonne Nelson unfollows baby daddy  Reviewed by Unknown on June 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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