Higher risk of miscarriage are faced by Pregnant women whose partners smoke

Higher risk of miscarriage are faced by Pregnant women whose partners smoke

A new report has shown that women whose partners smoked during the first few months of their pregnancy were 17 per cent more likely to experience miscarriage. while women whose partners quit smoking around the time of conception had an 18 per cent lower risk of miscarriage than those whose smoking partners didn’t quit. The new study, published in the ‘Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health,’ in China, said the risk of miscarriage increases as the amount of paternal smoking increases. The lead researcher, Ma Xu, from the Research Institute of the National Health Commission, said tobacco control at home needs to be emphasised to ensure maternal health while also recommending that husbands quit smoking during their wives’ pregnancy.

  The research was based on a data comprising 5.8 million non-smoking pregnant women and their partners, who participated in China’s free pre-pregnancy checkups from 2010 to 2016. After the follow-up research on pre-pregnancy, early pregnancy, and pregnancy outcomes, findings showed that for women with non-smoking partners, the overall rate of miscarriages was 2.38 per cent, while for women whose partners  smoked, the overall rate of miscarriages was 2.92 per cent
Higher risk of miscarriage are faced by Pregnant women whose partners smoke Higher risk of miscarriage are faced by Pregnant women whose partners smoke Reviewed by Osadebe Precious on July 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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