Bombshell as Rachel Maddow plays audio Devin Nunes admitting to Trump campaign crimes

Bombshell as Rachel Maddow plays audio Devin Nunes admitting to Trump campaign crimes
Rachel Maddow dropped a bombshell on the political world on Wednesday by sharing audio footage of California Rep. Devin Nunes that was taken during a private fundraiser.

In the damning clip, Trump’s favorite lapdog can be heard actually admitting that, yeah, it’s criminal for a political campaign to help a foreign adversary release stolen emails.

“If that’s the case, that’s criminal,” Rep. Nunes said.

Maddow explained the explosive nature of Rep. Nunes’ private remarks:

Again, substantively, it is hard to argue with the idea that it is bluntly criminal for anybody to have been involved in the dissemination of stolen e-mails as part of a political campaign. Substantively, we agree, right?  But with federal prosecutors now claiming in a federal indictment that WikiLeaks and D.C. Leaks and Guccifer 2.0 were the means by which stolen e-mails were actually disseminated during the presidential election and with lots of still accruing evidence that people associated with the Trump campaign and the president’s family and the president himself helped in that dissemination during the campaign, it cannot help that the lead opponent of the Russia investigation privately concedes, when he thinks nobody is recording him, that that sort of activity, if proven, that would definitely be criminal. ‘Now, we have a problem, right? Because if somebody stole the e-mails, gave them to Cathy, Cathy released them, well, if that’s the case, then that’s criminal.’ How does that line up with the Trump campaign and what they did with Wikileaks and Guccifer 2.0. and D.C. Leaks?
Bombshell as Rachel Maddow plays audio Devin Nunes admitting to Trump campaign crimes Bombshell as Rachel Maddow plays audio Devin Nunes admitting to Trump campaign crimes Reviewed by Erins Davies on August 09, 2018 Rating: 5

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