A man identified as Isa Mohammed Munlaila has embark on a counter trek from Lagos to Abuja against President Mohammed Buhari.
An Instagram picture of a man with a box on him was posted with a caption: #Man begins trek from #Lagos to #Abuja to kick against Buhari's 2nd term bid.
The 2018 trekking season has been declared open after the 800m trek by President Mohammed Buhari during the Sallah celebration observed by the Muslims in which the President took part.
The 2018 trekking season has been declared open after the 800m trek by President Mohammed Buhari during the Sallah celebration observed by the Muslims in which the President took part.
The President took to his feet by trekking back home from the prayer ground to show that his physically fit for his second term in office.
Trek season: Isa Mohammed trek against Buhari 2nd term bid
August 24, 2018
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