Rapper who chopped off his own penis with a kitchen knife then threw himself off a balcon says he still has sex… reflects on what led him to perform such an extreme act of violence against himself

LA rapper Andre Johnson
LA rapper Andre Johnson
Three years ago, LA rapper Andre Johnson, 43, who is known to fans as Christ Bearer, hit the headlines in April 2014 after chopped off his own genital with a kitchen knife and then jumping off a second-floor balcony at a party, he has now reflected on what led him to perform such an extreme act of violence against himself in a new documentary.The rapper who is affiliated THE Wu-Tang Clan revealed he still has sex.

He said:

“I just jumped up, outta nowhere and I went to the kitchen,” he said.

“I grabbed a knife and, bam, I pulled down my pants and” – he mimes a chopping motion – “that quick”.

He claims that doesn’t mean his manhood has lost all function although doctors were unable to reattach the severed part of his penis after surgery.

“When I’m actually having the act of sex, it’s not like, ‘Oh I wish I still had my s***.’ It’s like, ‘I’m in there.’ Like it used to be,” he said.

“Due to that macho air, no one even notices if they are going through depression,” he said.

“In my neighbourhood you don’t tell nobody you depressed and s***,” he said.

“When we have mental health issues, we turn to drugs – you know, ‘smoke this’, ‘have a drink’.

‘Maaan, you need to get high’.”

When signed to Wu-Tang records in 2004 alongside his rap partner Meko, he said: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

He said he began dabbling in banned substances: “Maybe you did a little bit of PCP [also known as angel dust]? You did a little bit of weed? You drank a little bit?

“You start getting, like, a thousand dollars every other day, you goin’ do a whole lot of PCP, you goin’ do a whole lot of weed, you goin’ drink a whole lot… it got outta control.”

On the night of the penis-cutting incident, he had taken PCP, meth, weed and drunk alcohol. He says his relationships with women were in his thoughts in the moments before he did it.

“At the back of my mind, my issues were eating me. I was thinking my interaction with women have been just callous, no moral code,” he said.

“I said, ‘I will fix this problem that is causing me so much misery.’ That’s when I think the insanity kicked in. I said, ‘Yo, my d*** is outta control. I need a vasectomy.”

Andre now lives in Las Vegas with second wife Amatullah and their daughter.

His wife said: “We were both at the bottom when this started so the thought was, ‘we got to straighten this out and, whatever it takes, we’re willing to do.’”

Andre who has now addressed his mental health issues claimed his psychiatrist “was the greatest”.

“I needed her right before the incident. S*** really helps if you get the right one,” he added

He said he still suffers from “a slight depression,” but that having his wife and daughter by his side is helping with his recovery.

Rapper who chopped off his own penis with a kitchen knife then threw himself off a balcon says he still has sex… reflects on what led him to perform such an extreme act of violence against himself Rapper who chopped off his own penis with a kitchen knife then threw himself off a balcon says he still has sex… reflects on what led him to perform such an extreme act of violence against himself Reviewed by Debo Olowu on April 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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