Shocking: Girl buried two years ago returns to her parents house

Girl buried two years ago comes back alive

A young girl known by the name Winnie reportedly dead two years ago comes back alive from grave.  The deceased who was buried by her family and friends amidst tear, at Mitingo cemetery returns to her parents house, leaving them in shock

The entire Masala town in Ndola, Zambia woke up to the unbelievable turn of events as the girl said in an interview that it was not her that was buried but a banana tree.

The parents and the girl were said to report at a police station as they waited for a DNA test to be authorized and conducted on the girl. The girl’s death certificate and birth certificate were provided to help investigate the truth

Shocking: Girl buried two years ago returns to her parents house Shocking: Girl buried two years ago returns to her parents house Reviewed by Unknown on June 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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