Come back and face the law- Father tells Daughter, after she ran away to join IS in Syria, but now wants to come back home

A British Father has said that his 22 year old daughter face the law upon her return to the United Kingdom after she left the country two years ago to join the Islamic State terror group in Syria.

The daughter 22 year old Kolsoma Begum, and her 23 year old Muslim convert husband Stefan Aristidou were arrested in in Turkey last week after surrendering to authorities.

The British-born couple, had joined Islamic State in 2015, were held on suspicion of terror offences in Kilis, a Turkish town three miles from the Syrian border.

The couple who claimed  to have joined IS because they wanted to live under Sharia law and not to fight said that the fled  when the heard about IS murderous system.

Last year Aristodou sent a message to Daily Mail while on the run from IS which read:
‘My wife is nine months pregnant and this a confirmation of me being alive and in good health.’

Begum who gave birth to a girl in the war-torn country of Syria and Aristidou have been trying to return to the UK since last September.

But Begum's father who was not aware his daughter had left the country until policemen from the counter-terror unit raided his flat in Poplar, East London has his daughter needs to face the law if she wanted to return to England.

‘I would say give them a lesson so they can realize their mistakes,’ he said. ‘They have to face the law. The law will decide what punishment to give them. But, as a father, I’m saying everybody deserves a second chance. They’ve already damaged their lives. They were very young.

‘If they come back, then maybe they’ve learned their lesson. They’ve seen what IS is doing. Maybe because of that they didn’t want to stay.

‘They’ve realized what IS is doing is inhumane. Every father will support their daughter, but if you break the law that’s something different.

‘If I could talk to her, I would say: “Come back and face the law. You know you made a mistake and this is where you belong. You should protect your own country, this is where you’ll be living, and your children will be living and studying.” ’

Begum, just weeks after telling her father she wanted to marry Aristidou disappeared into thin air. Mr Ali disapproved as she was only 20 years old and was studying to become a midwife.

The pair argued and her father assumed she had gone to stay with a friend when she did not come home for a few days reported DailyMail

Aristidou’s family had reported him missing after he ceased contact with them a week after he traveled to Larnaca, Cyprus, on Easter Sunday in 2015.

Up until his disappearance, he lived in Enfield, North London, with his mother and sister. The family are of Greek heritage.

In a telephone interview in March, Aristidou told Sky News that living under IS was like being in a ‘prison’ and he had gone into hiding. ‘I’m just trying to get my life back,’ he said. ‘So be it if I have to go to prison in order to do that. I’m prepared to do that. I’m not here to harm anybody, I’m just here to look after my family and live my life.’

The Turkish authorities are said to be seeking to jail him for up to 15 years. He could face further prosecution under anti-terrorism legislation if he returns to the UK.

It is unclear if Begum is still being detained or what has happened to the couple’s child, but Turkish authorities said Aristidou is suspected of being a member of IS.

Mr Ali believes his daughter and son-in-law became radicalized over the internet as home life was ‘westernized’.

‘Whoever radicalized my daughter is dangerous,’ he said. ‘It’s like a disease. She was a child, studying. If I knew this was happening, she wouldn’t have stepped outside the door.’

‘This is our country, we live here, of course she would be desperate to come back.’

A Foreign Office spokesman said officials were in contact with the Turkish authorities.
Come back and face the law- Father tells Daughter, after she ran away to join IS in Syria, but now wants to come back home  Come back and face the law- Father tells Daughter, after she ran away to join IS in Syria, but now wants to come back home Reviewed by Unknown on April 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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