Several thousand protesters, an ethnically mixed crowd of all ages including members of Pittsburgh’s tight-knit Jewish community, held an anti-Trump rally about a block away from the synagogue just as his visit began, singing Old Testament psalms and carrying signs with such slogans as “We build bridges not walls.”
One group of demonstrators chanted, “President hate, leave our state,” while others yelled, “Words have meaning.”
People march in memory of the victims of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. REUTERS/Cathal McNaughtonA woman gestures towards a Pittsburgh Police Officer during a march in memory of the victims of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S., October 30, 2018. REUTERS/Cathal McNaughtonPeople march in memory of the victims of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S., October 30, 2018. REUTERS/Cathal McNaughtonA participant in the march in memory of the victims holds a sign opposing President Donald Trump in Pittsburgh. REUTERS/Cathal McNaughtonA woman holds a sign with a picture from preschool television show Mr Rogers’ Neighborhood during a march in memory of the victims of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S., October 30, 2018. Fred Rogers grew up in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood where the shootings occurred and broadcast his popular children’s show from Pittsburgh. REUTERS/Jessica Resnick-Ault
“President Hate, leave our state!”, Protesters shout at Trump
Reviewed by Debo Olowu
October 31, 2018
Rating: 5
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